Couples Marathon Sessions
When should I participate in a marathon session? What are the benefits? Marathon sessions are a great form of condensed couples therapy to quickly get your relationship back on track. Whereas, you may receive traditional couples therapy once a week for months, marathon sessions provide a one time boot camp to learn communication skills and work out the kinks that get in the way of your bond with your partner.
Beginning Marathon Sessions: The 2.5 hour intake is at a rate of $435. This includes the Gottman Assessment, the Couples interview, and individual interviews. The purpose of this intake is for treatment planning to help you get the most out of the Marathon session.
The intake is followed by a 3-6 hour marathon session at a rate of $145/hour. This begins with feedback from the intake as well as completion of treatment planning. Gottman interventions then follow, as discussed per the treatment plan. (Please see ‘Interventions’ tab for more information).
Follow up sessions will be scheduled as needed at a rate of $145 per 60 minutes or $200 per 90 minutes.
*Please note that I do not provide marathon sessions in domestic violence situations, where there is excessive use of drugs or alcohol, or if any other safety concerns are present. In these situations a referral will be provided to the couple.